‡Colgate Total® provides in vitro superior delivery, penetration, and retention
of Zinc and biofilm mass reduction vs Zinc control toothpaste.
The evolving understanding of mouth biology, modern patient demands and advances in oral care technology drive the need to consider ‘the next generation of prevention’ to achieve and maintain oral health. Colgate® believes this need is best met by a Whole Mouth Health approach that elevates the importance of oral prevention and of achieving better oral health outcomes for all patients.
Read the White Paper on Whole Mouth Health - The Next Generation of every day prevention in Oral Health.
The 'Perio & Caries’ Project of EFP (The European Federation of Periodontology) builds on the outcomes of the expert workshop devoted to “The boundaries between dental caries and periodontal disease”, jointly organised by the EFP with ORCA (European Organisation for Caries Research).
The consensus reports supported by robust systematic reviews provide a comprehensive scientific framework for how to understand and approach the simultaneous management of caries and periodontal diseases, including specific recommendations for every day prevention.
Empower every patient to achieve superior biofilm control for Whole Mouth Health**1,2
** Statistically significant greater reduction of cultivable bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums with Colgate Total® vs non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste at 4 weeks, 12 hours after brushing.
1. Manus L, et al. J Clin Dent 2018;29(Spec Iss A)A10-19.
2. Daep C, et al. August 2019, data on file.